Quick Tip Tool 1

Helping Your Clients Set Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations will help with client well-being and happiness. An important aspect of helping your clients build resilience and manage emotions is teaching them how to set realistic expectations for themselves. Much of the psychological and emotional pain and discomfort experienced in life is a product of the unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves.

Quick Tip Tool 2

Building Trust Remotely

Restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have moved many workforce development interactions from in-person to virtual platforms. Although the basics and importance of trust remain the same, efforts with which workforce development professionals build trust with their clients require more attention and emphasis when interacting remotely. This article will provide tools to consciously build trust when engaging via video or phone.

Quick Tip Tool 3

Helping Clients Cope with COVID-19 Grief

This article will provide background on grief, special considerations of a loss during COVID-19 and several ways of approaching grief that can assist in moving through the painful process.

Quick Tip Tool 4

Supporting Clients Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence or Sexual Violence

The impact of intimate partner violence and sexual violence on clients can manifest in a multitude of ways and its effects can last a lifetime. Obtaining and maintaining employment is one area that can be affected by these traumatic experiences. This article will explore the impacts this type of trauma has on survivors and address how you can support clients in your work together.